Saturday 20 November 2010

Fharao (15)

Bronze bust of egypt Fharao. signed H. Jacobs and inscribe H. Luppens  & editieurs. High 60 cm, wide partly 35 cm,year about 1920.powerful bust


two cupido's holding each other. From white marble signed Ealcones. high 45cm- wide 30cm. Sadly the compagnie what moves this to my house let it fall and then the piece is on two- three places. but still it is a nice piece.

amazone warrior (13)

bronze by Adolf Josef Pohl (1872- 1910) Born and died in asutrian. performance nude amazone warrior jumping with her horse, a very natural make statue full with action. high 60cm- wide 50cm.

St. Michael (14)

Beautiful bronze by Fremiet Emmanuel (1824- 1910) Born and died in France. Performance from this bronze is St. Michael fighting with the dragon. 5 october 2000 the same bronze was estimated by Sotheby's  auction London for between 1350 and 1950 euro.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Fighting Bulls (12)

Outstanding bronze by Moigeniez Jules (1835-1894).
Born and died in France.
The permormance from this bronze is named Combat de Taureaux Romains.
Moigeniez Jules together with P.J. Mene are the top makers in the world of animal sculpters.
This work photographed in all important books.
Year about 1870.
High 55 cm-Wide 65 cm.
very havy bronze,around 40 kg.

The challenge (11)

Bronze nude woman  by Paul Philippe.
Born in Thorn Poland. The performance from this bronze is named The challenge.
Hight with marble base 65 cm.
this book from Bryan Catley says "The best work from Paul Philippe is The Challenge.
Year about 1920.
This beautiful piece is now for sale.